Friday, October 4, 2013

Thursday Night Rumble

This week has been a little strange in Real World land, but luckily Azeroth has been helping that!

On Wednesday, I stayed camped in my room at the inn for the most part, burning the midnight candles, as they say.  I spent a long time pouring over my books, reading my spell book, reorganizing and re-memorizing spells.   I also made myself more familiar with Charkra states and glyphs and I think I made myself more battle ready.

To test my preparations, I ventured out with FERT

First, shout out to Serota!  Serota brought me a beautiful new Dragonstrike, Reborn mace (ilvl 502).  To compliment it, I was also presented with an Inscribed Red Fan (ilvl 476).  They are wonderful!
I think Alachaas may have had a hand in that, too..

Second, shout out to the Panda Trio (2nd boss in SoO), for the pretty bracers.  The Trio provided me with Lifebane Bracers (ilvl 540).

Overall, the new ilvl is 498!!

And without further ado...

We took down the 3rd Boss!  Yay!  After several attempts and a dwindling raid, we got him!

It was so exciting, and I was happy that everyone was so happy.

Yes, that made perfect sense.


I mentioned how I rearranged my spells and got myself already.  That part was great!  I had better use of my mana pool.  I was able to have healing symbols on the ground, my lifewell in action, party heals galore and the return of Holy Nova.


I was actually still not even close to topping some of the top healers.  Not that I'm trying to do better than anyone, but I would like to be on par with everyone.

I know I'm getting there, and I know I did a ton better!  I just know that I can do better still and that's what I need to look into.

I'll get there.  In the meantime, Go Team!


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