Monday, September 30, 2013

Sunday night brawls and dungeon crawls

Last night was a long night.  And it was fun. And frustrating.  And did I mention it was fun?

We got the 3rd boss down to 5% twice!  That's fantastic. We are almost there!  I wish it wasn't 10:30 when we had to call it.  Would have loved to try again, but so many of us had to get up early this morning.

Confession #1- still having issues and it wasn't the wine! (though, it was fun to blame the wine)

So there's a part of the fight where you go down below, and you have 3 NPCs to heal and dispell, while keeping yourself healed, dispelled and alive.

I cannot take the damage.  It seemed like every time I thought I was getting somewhere, I would get the crap on me, dispell it, and be so low in health from it, that while I'm healing myself, the next hit takes me out.

Granted, the last few attempts, I didn't go below at all.  And with the extra spirit I did have, I was able to work the mana pool rather well.. I would still get really low, but I was still able to pull out some good heals if I could keep from getting killed. 

Confession #2 - I need to re-read my spell books.

I am still learning which spells of mine of old have been tweeked, nerfed, addressed, and generally just changed.

Lightwell is actually usefull.

Gone are the days of inconvenience where someone had to click on it to make use of it.  It heals on its own.  And I like it.  I think that helped me reserve mana to a degree because I wasn't having to throw heals constantly.

Of course, that does make me wonder what else has changed.

I've been doing a lot of reading, and I found more stuff last night that I need to see if it gives me more info than I already have. 

I'm really hoping that I can get this figured out.  It is frustrating to reach for that spell and to be out of mana.  It is frustrating to die so easily.  Yes, I know I'm a cloth-wearing priestess, but still.. 

And no, my fishing pole was securely tucked away in my bags.


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